Achievement standard: Foundation Year
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of the Foundation year, students describe experiences, observations, ideas and/or feelings about arts works they encounter at school, home and/or in the community.
Students use play, imagination, arts knowledge, processes and/or skills to create and share arts works in different forms.
Achievement standard: Years 1 and 2
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 2, students identify where they experience the arts. They describe where, why and/or how people across cultures, communities and/or other contexts experience the arts.
Students demonstrate arts practices and skills across arts subjects. They create arts works in a range of forms. They share their work in informal settings.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 2, students identify where they experience drama. They describe where, why and/or how people across cultures, communities and/or other contexts experience drama.
Students pretend and imagine as they create roles and situations in improvised drama and/or dramatic play. They perform their drama in informal settings.
Achievement standard: Years 3 and 4
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 4, students describe use of elements, concepts and/or conventions in arts works they create and/or experience. They describe where, why and/or how arts works are created and presented across cultures, times and/or places, and/or other contexts.
Students use arts knowledge and skills to create arts works in a range of forms that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They present and/or perform their work in informal settings.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 4, students describe use of selected elements of drama in drama they experience, create and/or perform. They describe where, why and/or how drama is created and/or performed across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts.
Students use selected elements of drama when creating drama and/or performing. They collaborate to improvise and/or devise drama that communicates ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They perform their work in informal settings.
Achievement standard: Years 5 and 6
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 6, students explain the use of elements, concepts and/or conventions in arts works they create and/or experience. They describe how the arts communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts. They describe how the arts are used to continue and revitalise cultures.
Students use subject-specific knowledge, elements, concepts, conventions, materials, skills and/or processes to create arts works that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They demonstrate safe practices. They present and perform their arts works in formal and/or informal settings.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 6, students explain how the elements of drama are used in drama they create, perform and/or experience. They describe how drama created and/or performed across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts communicates ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They describe how drama is used to continue and revitalise cultures.
Students work collaboratively as they combine elements of drama to shape and sustain dramatic action. They improvise and/or devise drama and/or interpret scripts. They perform their drama in informal and/or formal settings.