


At Sandy Strait State School it is our priority to develop, maintain and effectively implement high quality curriculum programs for all students. The school is committed to developing teacher practices through professional development focusing on aspects of curriculum implementation, pedagogy and assessment and the incorporation of a proactive approach to planning and teaching.

FIRST CLASS TEACHING AND LEARNING for everyone, in a safe and supportive environment.

Sandy Strait State School's Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Plan is updated annually to reflect the current direction of our school priorities, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting.

The Sandy Strait State School Curriculum, Reporting and Assessment Plan seeks to reflect the improvement of students' outcomes through a rigorous and focussed agenda to improve teacher quality. Improving the ability of the expert teaching team to deliver a quality curriculum to all students, assess and report on students as per agreed schedules that reflect both departmental guidelines and policies as well as community values.

Drawing upon the Department of Education Strategic Plan 2021–2025, North Coast Region operational plan, and our school's Annual Implementation Plan, Sandy Strait State School is focussed on every student succeeding.

At Sandy Strait State School, we plan, teach, assess and report on the:

Australian Curriculum Prep to Year 6

1.       English

2.       Mathematics

3.       Science

4.       Humanities and Social Science (HASS)

5.       Health and Physical Education (HPE)

6.       Languages – Mandarin Chinese

7.       The Arts - Music, Drama, Dance, Visual, Media

8.       Technologies - Design and Digital

A number of specialist teachers provide lessons in the areas of:

•         Health and Physical Education (P-6)

•         Languages - Mandarin Chinese (5-6)

•         Music (P-6)

•         Science, Design & Technologies (P-2)

•         Science, Design & Technologies (3-6)

Effective systematic curriculum delivery at Sandy Strait State School involves school leaders and teachers using whole school moderation processes to align curriculum pedagogy, assessment and reporting; and to ensure consistency of teacher judgements and accuracy of reported results against the Australian Curriculum (AC) achievement standards. Our teachers align the teaching, assessing and reporting of the Australian Curriculum through the use of the Queensland Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) materials as a base.

Our teachers engage in a planning process every term to develop a shared understanding of the alignment between the curriculum intent, assessment, teaching and learning sequence, and reporting. 

Support is offered to students and staff through:

  • Support Teachers for Literacy and Numeracy (in consultation with class teachers and the Literacy Numeracy Support Team)
  • Specialist intervention programs are on offer in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Academic talent and extension programs 
  • Teacher Aides who work extensively throughout the school supporting Literacy and Numeracy development
  • Individual Curriculum Plans for students with disabilities  
  • Multi-tiered approach to support students with diagnosed disabilities​ to access the curriculum, in-​class individual and small group support depending on the student's disability and individual support needs.
  • Advisory Visiting Teachers provide support upon request for areas such as Speech Language Pathology, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment etc.
  • School Guidance Officer, Chaplain and other community organisations on referral

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

'Program Achieve – You Can Do It' identifies five foundations that support the success of achieving students – confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along and resilience. The language of this program is heard throughout our school.
Last reviewed 31 May 2023
Last updated 31 May 2023