Achievement standard: Foundation Year
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Foundation students identify familiar products, services and environments and develop familiarity with digital systems, using them for a purpose. They create, communicate and choose design ideas. Students follow steps and use materials and equipment to safely make a designed solution for a school-selected context. They show how to represent data using objects, pictures and symbols and identify examples of data that is owned by them.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Foundation students identify familiar products, services and environments. They create a designed solution for a school-selected context. Students create, communicate and choose design ideas. They follow steps and use materials and equipment to safely make a designed solution.
Achievement standard: Years 1 and 2
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 2 students describe the purpose of familiar products, services and environments, including digital systems. They represent and process data in different ways and follow and describe basic algorithms involving a sequence of steps and branching to show how simple digital solutions meet a need for known users. For each of the 2 prescribed technologies contexts they identify the features and uses of technologies and create designed solutions. Students select design ideas based on their personal preferences. They access and use the basic features of common digital tools to create, locate and share content, and collaborate and communicate design ideas using models and drawings. Students safely produce designed or digital solutions and recognise that digital tools may store their personal data online.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 2 students describe the purpose of familiar products, services and environments. For each of the 2 prescribed technologies contexts they describe the features and uses of technologies and create designed solutions. Students select design ideas based on their personal preferences. They communicate design ideas using models and drawings and follow sequenced steps to safely produce designed solutions.
Achievement standard: Years 3 and 4
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 4 students describe how people design products, services and environments to meet the needs of people, including sustainability. They process and represent data for different purposes, follow and describe simple algorithms involving branching and iteration, and implement them as visual programs. For each of the 2 prescribed technologies contexts they describe the features and uses of technologies and create designed solutions. Students select design ideas against design criteria. Students securely access and use digital systems and their peripherals for a range of purposes, including transmitting data. They communicate design ideas using models and drawings including annotations and symbols. Students plan and sequence steps and use technologies and techniques to safely produce designed solutions. They use the core features of common digital tools to plan, create, locate and share content, and to collaborate, following agreed behaviours. Students identify their personal data stored online and its risks.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 4 students describe how people design products, services and environments to meet the needs of people, including sustainability. For each of the 2 prescribed technologies contexts they describe the features and uses of technologies and create designed solutions. Students select design ideas against design criteria. They communicate design ideas using models and drawings including annotations and symbols. Students plan and sequence steps and use technologies and techniques to safely produce designed solutions.
Achievement standard: Years 5 and 6
Learning area achievement standard
By the end of Year 6 students explain how people design products, services and environments to meet the needs of communities, including sustainability. For each of the 3 prescribed technologies contexts students explain how the features of technologies impact on design decisions and they create designed solutions. They process data and show how digital systems represent data, design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration, and implement them as visual programs including variables. They select and justify design ideas and solutions against design criteria. Students share and communicate ideas or content to an audience using technical terms, graphical representation techniques and appropriate digital tools. They develop project plans, including production processes, and select technologies and techniques to safely produce designed or digital solutions. Students securely access and use multiple digital systems and describe their components and how they interact to process and transmit data. They identify their digital footprint and recognise its permanence.
Subject achievement standard
By the end of Year 6 students explain how people design products, services and environments to meet the needs of communities, including sustainability. For each of the 3 prescribed technologies contexts they explain how the features of technologies impact on design decisions and they create designed solutions. Students select and justify design ideas and solutions against design criteria that include sustainability. They communicate design ideas to an audience using technical terms and graphical representation techniques. Students develop project plans, including production processes, and select technologies and techniques to safely produce designed solutions.