


Achievement standard:  Foundation Year

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Foundation students group plants and animals based on external features. They identify factors that influence the movement of objects. They describe the observable properties of the materials that make up objects. They identify examples of people using observation and questioning to learn about the natural world.

Students pose questions and make predictions based on their experiences. They engage in investigations and make observations safely. With guidance, they represent observations and identify patterns. With guidance, they compare their observations with their predictions. They share questions, predictions, observations and ideas about their experiences with others.


Achievement standard:  Year 1

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 1 students identify how living things meet their needs in the places they live. They identify daily and seasonal changes and describe ways these changes affect their everyday life. They describe how different pushes and pulls change the motion and shape of objects. They describe situations where they use science in their daily lives and identify examples of people making scientific predictions.

Students pose questions to explore observations and make predictions based on experiences. They follow safe procedures to make and record observations. They use provided tables and organisers to sort and order data and information and, with guidance, represent patterns. With guidance, they compare observations with predictions and identify further questions. They use everyday vocabulary to communicate observations, findings and ideas.​

Achievement standard:  Year 2

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 2 students identify celestial objects and describe patterns they observe in the sky. They demonstrate how different sounds can be produced and describe the effect of sound energy on objects. They identify ways to change materials without changing their material composition. They describe how people use science in their daily lives and how people use patterns to make scientific predictions.

Students pose questions to explore observed patterns or relationships and make predictions based on experience. They suggest steps to be followed in an investigation and follow safe procedures to make and record observations. They use provided tables and organisers to sort and order data and represent patterns in data. With guidance, they compare their observations with those of others, identify whether their investigation was fair and identify further questions. They use every day and scientific vocabulary to communicate observations, findings and ideas.


Achievement standard:  Year 3

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 3 students classify and compare living and non-living things and different life cycles. They describe the observable properties of soils, rocks and minerals and describe their importance as resources. They identify sources of heat energy and examples of heat transfer and explain changes in the temperature of objects. They classify solids and liquids based on observable properties and describe how to cause a change of state. They describe how people use data to develop explanations. They identify solutions that use scientific explanations.

Students pose questions to explore patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations. They use scaffolds to plan safe investigations and fair tests. They use familiar classroom instruments to make measurements. They organise data and information using provided scaffolds and identify patterns and relationships. They compare their findings with those of others, explain how they kept their investigation fair, identify further questions and draw conclusions. They communicate ideas and findings for an identified purpose, including using scientific vocabulary when appropriate.


Achievement standard:  Year 4

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 4 students identify the roles of organisms in a habitat and construct food chains. They identify key processes in the water cycle and describe how water cycles through the environment. They identify forces acting on objects and describe their effect. They relate the uses of materials to their properties. They explain the role of data in science inquiry. They identify solutions based on scientific explanations and describe the needs these meet.

Students pose questions to identify patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations. They plan investigations using planning scaffolds, identify key elements of fair tests and describe how they conduct investigations safely. They use simple procedures to make accurate formal measurements. They construct representations to organise data and information and identify patterns and relationships. They compare their findings with those of others, assess the fairness of their investigation, identify further questions for investigation and draw conclusions. They communicate ideas and findings for an identified audience and purpose, including using scientific vocabulary when appropriate.


Achievement standard:  Year 5

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 5 students explain how the form and behaviour of living things enables survival. They describe key processes that change Earth's surface. They identify sources of light and model the transfer of light to explain observed phenomena. They relate the particulate arrangement of solids, liquids and gases to their observable properties. They describe examples of collaboration leading to advances in science, and scientific knowledge that has changed over time. They identify examples where scientific knowledge informs the actions of individuals and communities.

Students plan safe investigations to identify patterns and relationships and make reasoned predictions. They identify risks associated with investigations and key intercultural considerations when planning field work. They identify variables to be changed and measured. They use equipment to generate data with appropriate precision. They construct representations to organise data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships. They compare their methods and findings to those of others, identify possible sources of error in their investigation, pose questions for further investigation and draw reasoned conclusions. They use language features that reflect their purpose and audience when communicating their ideas and findings.


Achievement standard:  Year 6

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 6 students explain how changes in physical conditions affect living things. They model the relationship between the sun and planets of the solar system and explain how the relative positions of Earth and the sun relate to observed phenomena on Earth. They identify the role of circuit components in the transfer and transformation of electrical energy. They classify and compare reversible and irreversible changes to substances. They explain why science is often collaborative and describe different individuals' contributions to scientific knowledge. They describe how individuals and communities use scientific knowledge.

Students plan safe, repeatable investigations to identify patterns and test relationships and make reasoned predictions. They describe risks associated with investigations and key intercultural considerations when planning field work. They identify variables to be changed, measured and controlled. They use equipment to generate and record data with appropriate precision. They construct representations to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships. They identify possible sources of error in their own and others' methods and findings, pose questions for further investigation and select evidence to support reasoned conclusions. They select and use language features effectively for their purpose and audience when communicating their ideas and findings.

Last reviewed 12 December 2024
Last updated 12 December 2024