
Health and Physical Education


Achievement standard:  Foundation Year

Subject achievement standard​

By the end of Foundation, students describe similarities and differences between themselves and others, and different emotions people experience. They demonstrate personal and social skills to interact respectfully with others. They identify and demonstrate protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies to keep themselves safe. Students identify how health information can be used in their lives. Students apply fundamental movement skills to manipulate objects and space in a range of movement situations. Students identify the benefits of being physically active and how rules make play fair and inclusive.

Achievement standard:  Years 1 and 2

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 2, students explain how personal qualities contribute to identities. They describe how emotional responses affect their own and others' feelings. They demonstrate skills and describe strategies required to develop respectful relationships. Students apply protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies to keep themselves and others safe. They explain why health information is important for making choices. Students apply fundamental movement skills in different movement situations and explain how they move with objects and in space effectively. They describe factors that make physical activity beneficial. Students develop and apply rules while collaborating with others in a range of movement contexts.


Achievement standard:  Years 3 and 4

Subject achievement standard​

By the end of Year 4, students identify influences that strengthen identities and describe strategies to manage emotions, changes and transitions. They apply skills and strategies to interact respectfully with others. They describe the influences that inclusion and stereotypes have on choices and actions. Students describe and apply protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies to keep themselves and others safe online and offline. They interpret health information to apply strategies to enhance their own and others' health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. Students apply fundamental movement skills and demonstrate movement concepts across a range of situations. They adapt movement strategies to enhance movement outcomes. Students examine factors that influence participation and propose strategies to incorporate regular physical activity into their own and others' lives. They demonstrate fair play and inclusion through a range of roles in movement contexts.

Achievement standard:  Years 5 and 6

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 6, students explain how different factors influence identities. They propose strategies to manage emotions, developmental changes and transitions. They propose strategies to demonstrate respect, empathy and inclusion. They explain how stereotypes influence roles and responsibilities. Students explain how communication skills, protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies keep themselves and others safe online and offline. They analyse health information to refine strategies to enhance their own and others' health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. Students refine and modify movement skills and apply movement concepts across a range of situations. They transfer movement strategies between situations and evaluate the impact on movement outcomes. Students propose strategies to promote physical activity participation that enhance health, fitness and wellbeing. They describe contributions they can make as a group and team member to support fair play and inclusion across a range of movement contexts.

Last reviewed 21 January 2025
Last updated 21 January 2025