


Achievement standard:  Foundation Year

Learning area achievement standard

By the end of the Foundation year, students describe experiences, observations, ideas and/or feelings about arts works they encounter at school, home and/or in the community.

Students use play, imagination, arts knowledge, processes and/or skills to create and share arts works in different forms.​

Achievement standard:  Years 1 and 2

Learning area achievement standard

By the end of Year 2, students identify where they experience the arts. They describe where, why and/or how people across cultures, communities and/or other contexts experience the arts.

Students demonstrate arts practices and skills across arts subjects. They create arts works in a range of forms. They share their work in informal settings.

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 2, students identify where they experience music. They describe where, why and/or how people across cultures, communities and/or other contexts experience music.

Students demonstrate listening skills. They use the elements of music to improvise and/or compose music. They sing and play music in informal settings.

Achievement standard:  Years 3 and 4

Learning area achievement standard

By the end of Year 4, students describe use of elements, concepts and/or conventions in arts works they create and/or experience. They describe where, why and/or how arts works are created and presented across cultures, times and/or places, and/or other contexts.

Students use arts knowledge and skills to create arts works in a range of forms that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They present and/or perform their work in informal settings.

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 4, students describe the use of elements of music in music they compose, perform and/or experience. They describe where, why and/or how music is composed and/or performed across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts.

Students demonstrate listening skills when performing and composing. They combine the elements of music to compose music that communicates ideas. They sing and play music they have learnt and/or composed in informal settings.

Achievement standard:  Years 5 and 6

Learning area achievement standard

By the end of Year 6, students explain the use of elements, concepts and/or conventions in arts works they create and/or experience. They describe how the arts communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts. They describe how the arts are used to continue and revitalise cultures.

Students use subject-specific knowledge, elements, concepts, conventions, materials, skills and/or processes to create arts works that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They demonstrate safe practices. They present and perform their arts works in formal and/or informal settings.

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 6, students explain how elements of music are manipulated in music they compose, perform and/or experience. They describe how music composed and/or performed across contexts, cultures, times and/or places communicates ideas, perspectives and/or meaning. They describe how music is used to continue and revitalise cultures.

Students demonstrate listening and aural skills when composing and performing. They use elements of music and compositional devices to compose music that communicates ideas, and when practising music for a performance. They notate, document and/or record the music they compose. They perform music in formal and/or informal settings.

Last reviewed 21 January 2025
Last updated 21 January 2025