


Achievement standard:  Foundation Year

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Foundation, students identify significant people and events in their own lives, and how significant events are celebrated or commemorated. Students recognise the features of familiar places, why some places are special to people and the ways they can care for them.

Students pose questions, and sort and record information from observations and provided sources. They share a perspective and draw conclusions. Students use sources and terms to share observations about places and the past.

Achievement standard:  Year 1

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 1, students identify continuity and change in family structures, roles and significant aspects of daily life. They identify the location and nature of the natural, managed and constructed features of local places, the ways places change, and how they can be cared for by people.

Students develop questions and collect, sort and record information and data from observations and provided sources. They interpret information and discuss perspectives. They draw conclusions and make proposals. Students share narratives and observations about people, places and the past, drawing on sources and incorporating subject-specific terms.

Achievement standard:  Year 2

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 2, students identify the significance of a local person, group, place and/or building. They identify the effects of changes in technologies on people's lives. Students identify that place can be spatially represented in different geographical divisions. They identify how people and places are interconnected both at local and broader scales.

Students develop questions, and collect, sort and record related information and data from observations and provided sources. They interpret information and data, and identify and discuss perspectives. Students use interpretations to draw conclusions and make proposals. Students use sources, and subject-specific terms to present narratives and observations about the past, people and places at different scales.

Achievement standard:  Year 3

Subject achievement standard


By the end of Year 3, students describe the causes, effects and contributions of people to change. They identify the significance of events, symbols and emblems to Australia's identity and diversity. They describe the representation of places within and near Australia. They identify the similarities, differences and connections of people to places across those scales. Students describe the importance of rules and people's contributions to communities.

Students develop questions and locate, collect and record information and data from different sources. They interpret information and data in different formats. They analyse information and data to identify perspectives and they draw conclusions. Students propose actions or responses. Students use ideas from sources, and subject-specific terms to present descriptions and explanations.

Achievement standard:  Year 4

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 4, students describe the diversity of experiences of people in Australia prior to and following 1788. They describe the events and causes of the establishment of the first British colony in Australia. They describe the effects of colonisation on people and environments. Students describe the importance of environments, and sustainable allocation and management of resources. They describe the importance and role of local government, community members and laws, and the cultural and social factors that shape identity.

Students develop questions and locate, collect and record information and data from a range of sources and formats. They interpret and analyse information and data to identify perspectives, and draw conclusions. Students propose considered actions or responses. Students use ideas from sources and relevant subject-specific terms to present descriptions and explanations.

Achievement standard:  Year 5

Subject achievement standard​

By the end of Year 5, students explain the causes of the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800. They explain the roles of significant individuals or groups in the development of an Australian colony and the impact of those developments. They explain the influence of people on the characteristics of places and in the management of spaces. Students explain the key values and features of Australia's democracy and how people achieve civic goals. They explain the nature of resources, and how they meet needs and wants.

Students develop questions and locate, collect and organise information and data from primary and secondary sources. They evaluate sources to determine origin and perspectives. Students evaluate information and data to identify and describe patterns or trends. They suggest conclusions based on evidence. Students consider criteria in proposing actions or responses. Students select ideas and findings from sources and use relevant terms and conventions, to present descriptions and explanations.

Achievement standard:  Year 6

Subject achievement standard

By the end of Year 6, students explain the roles of significant people, events and ideas that led to Australian Federation, democracy and citizenship. They explain the causes and effects of migration to Australia since Federation. They explain the geographical diversity of places and the effects of interconnections with other countries. Students explain the key institutions, roles and responsibilities of Australia's levels of government, and democratic values and beliefs. They explain influences on consumers and strategies for informed consumer and financial choices.

Students develop questions, and locate, collect and organise information and data from a range of primary and secondary sources. They evaluate sources to determine origin, purpose and perspectives.  Students evaluate a range of information and data formats to identify and describe patterns, trends or inferred relationships. They evaluate evidence to draw conclusions. Students propose actions or responses and use criteria to assess the possible effects. Students select and organise ideas and findings from sources, and use a range of relevant terms and conventions, to present descriptions and explanations.

Last reviewed 21 January 2025
Last updated 21 January 2025